General Screenings/Screening Examinations
General Screening
A child's hearing acuity is screened first in Kindergarten and then in Grades 1, 2, 3, 7 & 11. Visual acuity is screened in every grade. Speech and language skills are screened on a referral basis. Gross motor and fine motor skills, academic skills, and social-emotional skills are assessed by classroom teachers.
Screening Examinations*
- Body Mass Index - Annual
- Dental - Original entry, grades 3 & 7
- Hearing - Grades K, 1, 2, 3, 7, 11 & special education students
- Height & Weight - Annual
- Medical - Original entry, grades 6 & 11
- Scoliosis (curvature of the spine) - Grades 6 & 7
- Vision - Annual
* Parents may choose to have their family physician or dentist perform the examinations and provide a report to the school. The examinations may be completed within one year of the beginning of the school year in which the exams are required.