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Mars Area School District

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Special/Gifted Education

Mars Area School District Administration Office
Office of Special Education & Gifted Education
545 Route 228
Mars, Pa. 16046
Ph: (724) 625-1518
Fax: (724) 625-1060
Dr. Travis W. Mineard, Director of Special Education
Dr. Richard Glosser, Director of Pupil Personnel
Dr. Renee Catanzaro, Certified School Psychologist
Dr. Susan Oliverio, Certified School Psychologist
Mr. Benjamin Neff, Certified School Psychologist
Mrs. Teresa O'Brien, Behavior Analyst
Mrs. Erika Heilman, Access Billing Coordinator & Special Services Administrator
Mrs. Laura Robinson, Secretary
Ms. Taylor Smith, Secretary

The Special Education Program of Mars Area School District provides a free, appropriate public education to exceptional students according to state and federal mandates. For more information, click on the appropriate links (at right).

Right to Education Local Task Force
The Right to Education Local Task Force, serving serves Butler, Lawrence and Mercer counties, was formed to represent the needs and interests of students with intellectual disabilities and their families on the local level. For more information, click on the following:

Special Education Plan (July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2026) — As required under 22 PA Code § 4.13 (d), Mars Area School District's Special Education Plan is available for public review:
MASD Special Education Corrective Action Verification & Improvement Plan — On July 9, 2018, Mars Area School Board approved Mars Area School District's Corrective Action Verification & Improvement Plan for the District's Special Education Program: