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Mars Area School District

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Use of Facilities

College picture of Mars Area School District buildings and sports facilities

Mars Area School Board recognizes that public schools are established, maintained and operated at public expense. Therefore, school facilities and grounds should be made available for legitimate community purposes as long as such use does not interfere with the operation of the school program or result in undue operational costs to the School District. The Board provides for the use of school facilities in accordance with District policy in the following order of priority:

  • Class A - Public schools of the District, including approved school-related organizations, groups or individuals.
  • Class B - School-Affiliated Organizations, including Board-recognized booster groups, PTO, and Mars Planet Foundation. The primary purpose of these groups is to supplement and/or augment the District’s educational programs.
  • Class C - District non-profit civic, recreational and church groups based within the School District’s borders; with a non-profit status (in accordance with IRS guidelines); AND, prior to first usage, demonstrating that at least ninety percent (90%) of its active membership and/or participants are residents of the Mars Area School District.
  • Class D - Private individual/groups and commercial uses.

For a determination as to your organization's "class," call (724) 625-1518, ext. 1505.

Facility Requests

To complete a Use of Facilities Request, click on the "Facilities Request" link in the right-hand column or click here.

In the event of the rescheduling of school activities, such activities shall take precedence over any other scheduled use of facilities. The responsible administrator shall provide prompt notice and shall assist in rescheduling or relocating the displaced activity. On days when school is cancelled or dismissed early because of any circumstances, all activities are cancelled.

School facilities will be made available to responsible organizations and individuals of the community in accordance with District policy and administrative regulations. Mars Area School Board reserves the right to deny any request for use of facilities. Fees charged, if any, shall be determined by the nature and profit status of the organization and activity. Costs for services of the district personnel shall be the responsibility of the person(s) or organizations(s) using the facility.

For specific information regarding procedures, requirements and restriction for use of Mars Area School District's facilities, refer to District Policy 707 Community Use of School Facilities.

Facilities Rental Fee Schedule Update

Please review the updates fees associated with rental/use of Mars Area School District facilities. For more information, click on the "Rental Fees" link in the right-hand column of this page.


Questions regarding Public Use of School Facilities may be directed to Mrs. Lori Boggs, Buildings, Grounds & Custodial Administrative Assistant, at (724) 625-1518, ext. 1505, or [email protected]