Title IX
Mars Area School District is committed to assuring equal educational and work opportunities to all individuals and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, age, creed, religion, sex, sexual orientation, ancestry, national origin, marital status, genetic information, pregnancy or handicap/disability. Furthermore, the District is committed to maintaining an educational and work environment for all its students, employees, volunteers, and visitors, which is free from any type of harassment.
The District will not tolerate any behavior by administrators, faculty, staff, full- or part-time employees, contracted service employees, volunteers, visitors or students which constitutes harassment of another individual. The Board charges all individuals to notify the administration of any allegation or rumor of improper conduct by an administrator, faculty or staff member, full- or part-time employee, contracted service employee, volunteer, visitor or student towards a student or any other individual within the District. The administration has a duty to investigate all allegations of misconduct brought before them.
These guidelines are intended to comply with all applicable federal and state legislation, statutes, acts, regulations and guidelines, including, but not limited to Title VI and Title IX of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Pennsylvania Human Rights Commission guidelines and the 1982 Ethnic Intimidation and Institutional Vandalism Act. All persons associated with the District, including, but not necessarily limited to, Board members, administrators, faculty, staff, full or part-time employees, contracted service employees, volunteers, visitors or students are expected to conduct themselves at all times so as to provide an atmosphere and environment free from all forms of harassment. Any person engaging in harassment while acting as a member of the school community will be in violation of this policy.
Title IX Resources
The U.S. Department of Education provides various resources and materials related to Title IX. For more information, visit the following:
- U.S. Department of Education - Title IX - https://sites.ed.gov/titleix/
- U.S. Department of Education - Office for Civil Rights - https://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/docs/tix_dis.html