Consequences for Violating District Policy and a Positive Test Result
No student participating in Mars Area School District's Random Drug Testing program will be penalized academically for testing positive for illegal drugs. The results of drug tests pursuant to this policy will not be documented in any student’s academic records. Information regarding the results of drug tests will only be disclosed to criminal or juvenile authorities by subpoena or other legal process. In such case, the student and parent(s)/guardian(s) will be notified at least 72 hours in advance of the District’s response.
The records of all students who tested negative will be destroyed at the end of each school year. Only the records of those students who tested positive and whose penalties transcend into subsequent school years shall have their records maintained. If a student refuses to submit a urine sample, the situation will be ruled as a positive result and the student will receive the same consequences as if he/she had tested positive.
First Offense - The student participant will receive a fourteen (14) calendar day suspension from any sport or activity in which he/she is participating or of his/her parking privilege at the time of the positive test. The student will be referred to a licensed facility for drug assessment. The student will be required to follow the recommendation of the licensed drug assessment facility or to participate in another drug and alcohol education program, as approved by the Building Principal. Should the student not complete the recommendation of the licensed drug assessment facility or participate in another drug and alcohol education program, as approved by the Building Principal, the student’s suspension from the sport, activity, or parking will not be reinstated until such time as the student completes the program. Participation is contingent upon the student following through and complying with the facility’s recommendation or participating in the approved drug and alcohol education program. The student will also be required to submit urine specimens, via the vendor, for four (4) consecutive sample dates. The expenses of the assessment and the four (4) drug tests will be incurred by the parent/guardian. The student will also be referred to the SAP Team of the appropriate building and receive an appropriate educational program.
The first offense for testing positive can be expunged by the District once the student provides documentation of forty (40) hours of drug counseling and successful voluntary passing of twelve (12) monthly drug tests by the District’s approved vendor, at the family’s expense. Community service may be used once approved by the principal to achieve the 40-hour total. This first offense can only be expunged once in the student’s time in the Mars Area School District. This documentation must be provided before the occurrence of a second offense. Failure of any one (1) of the twelve (12) monthly drug tests will not count as a second offense, but nullifies the first offense removal procedure.
Second Offense Within A Six-Year Time Period — The student will receive a suspension of athletic, activity and driving privileges for one (1) year. The student will also be referred to a licensed facility for a drug assessment. Participation is contingent upon the student following through and complying with the facility’s recommendation. The student will also be required to submit urine specimens for four (4) consecutive sample dates. The cost of the assessment and the five (5) weekly four (4) drug tests will be at the expense of the parent(s)/guardian(s). The student will also be referred to the appropriate school’s SAP Team and receive an appropriate educational program.
Third Offense Within A Six-Year Time Period — The student will receive a permanent suspension from any sport or activity as well as a permanent suspension of driving privileges. The student will be referred to a licensed facility for a drug assessment. The student will also be referred to the appropriate school’s SAP Team.