Random Selection of Students
Once a student submits a completed “Drug Testing Consent Form,” his/her name will be added to a pool, from which students will be randomly selected for urine testing for illicit or banned substances on a periodic basis throughout each school year. Parent(s)/guardian(s) will NOT be notified prior to a random drug test. All students will remain in the random pool until the end of each school year. The District will incur the cost of the random tests.
Students will be given as much privacy as possible when the specimen is obtained. Any student who is present and is not able or refuses to provide an adequate urine specimen at testing time will be withheld from practice or competition and/or their driving privileges will be withheld until the student provides the required specimen. Any eligible student who is randomly selected for urine drug testing and who is not in school will be tested at the next available testing time.
Note: Any student wishing to participate in a sport or activity with a tryout period of less than five (5) days is exempt from taking a drug test until they have been selected for the team or activity. A student who is finished with a sport or activity and does not intend to continue participation for the remainder of the year may be removed from the program with a letter signed by the parent(s)/guardian(s) directed to the Building Principal.