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Mars Area School District

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BYOT Frequently Asked Questions

Providing a structured, orderly and distraction free educational environment is necessary when students are utilizing their own technology at school. Through Mars Area School District’s Bring Your Own Technology (BYOT) Program and in accordance with District Policy 237 Electronic Devices & Personal Technology Resources, various guidelines and procedures are in place to prevent students from using a mobile device for non-educational purposes and to ensure that student use of mobile devices is under the strict supervision of the classroom instructor. The following are answers to frequently asked questions about the District’s BYOT Program: 

1. Will a student using a BYOT device have the same access to curriculum and education programs as those students using District-issued device?

Assuming that all requirements are met, as outlined in District Policy 237 Electronic Devices & Personal Technology Resources — Bring Your Own Technology Student Guidelines, students who use a Personal Technology Resource or BYOT device will have the same access to programs and software as those who use a District-issued device provided through the District’s One-to-One (1:1) Technology Program.

A URL or App(lication) may need to be loaded on a student’s BYOT device for the student to have access to District resources. (Note: It is the student’s responsibility to install District-provided management software(s) so that the device can operate and access any District network. Failure to comply will result in immediate removal from the District network. In addition, some courses may require programs that are not available on a District-issued or BYOT device and will require that students to use computers provided in the classroom or in a designated computer lab at the school.) 

2. Will a student using a BYOT device have the same access to technical assistance as those students using District-issued device?

Only those students using District-issued devices will have full access to the Technology Help Desk at each school building. No technical assistance (other than resolutions for power- and/or wifi-related issues) will be offered for BYOT devices. 

3. What BYOT devices are considered to be acceptable?

Acceptable Personal Technology Resources or BYOT devices may include MP3 players; iPods, iPads and other tablet computers; laptop and netbook computers; PDAs; cell phones and smartphones such as Blackberry, iPhone or Droid; as well as other devices with similar capabilities. Note: The District will work to accommodate a wide range of wireless devices; however, not all mobile devices will work on the MARS-BYOT network. Mars Area School District reserves the right to restrict student use of Personal Technology Resources or BYOT devices on school property or at school-sponsored events.

At Mars Area High School and Mars Area Middle School, Personal Technology Resources or BYOT devices are limited to laptops and/or tablet computers only. (Smartphones and other similar devices will not be permitted for use within the classroom.) If a student is using a tablet computer, it must be accompanied by a wireless- or Bluetooth-enabled keyboard and mouse. BYOT devices must also have one of the following operating systems (OS) or a newer OS in order to be compatible with District-provided education software:

  • Microsoft Windows 8.1 (PC Computer)
  • Mac OSX 10.10.5 (Yosemite) released 2014 (Apple)
  • iOS 6 (Apple)
  • Jelly Bean 4.2 (Android)

4. Which BYOT devices are considered unacceptable?

Unacceptable devices include, but are not limited to, gaming devices or consoles, laser pointers, modems, routers and televisions. In addition, the District prohibits the possession of laser pointers and attachments and telephone paging devices/beepers by students in District buildings; on District property; on District buses and vehicles; and at school-sponsored activities. The determination of an acceptable or unacceptable device is at the sole discretion of the Mars Area School District.

5. Are there exceptions to the use of unacceptable devices?

The Building Principal may grant approval for the possession and use of a Personal Technology Resource or BYOT device by a student for the following reasons:

  1. Health, safety or emergency reasons.
  2. An individualized education program (IEP).
  3. Classroom- or instructional-related activities.
  4. Other reasons determined appropriate by the administrator.

The Building Principal may grant approval for the possession and use of a telephone paging device/beeper by a student for the following reasons:

  1. Student is a member of a volunteer fire company, ambulance or rescue squad.
  2. Student has a need due to the medical condition of an immediate family member.
  3. Other reasons determined to be appropriate by the administrator.

6. When can BYOT devices be used?

Mars Area School District permits the use of Personal Technology Resources or BYOT devices in the following situations:

  1. During Instructional Time — Students are permitted to use Personal Technology Resources or BYOT devices during class time for educational use only and with teacher permission.   Cell phones are not permitted to be used for this purpose unless granted an exception in accordance with District Policy 237 Electronic Devices & Personal Technology Resources. Except when used to aid instruction by a classroom teacher, the use of BYOT devices is prohibited during instructional time.

    Unless the teacher specifically designs classroom instruction to include the use of BYOT devices, such devices must be powered off and secured in a manner by which the device is neither seen nor heard as not to distract from the education process. A District teacher/staff member or building principal may confiscate any technology device that is used for non-educational purposes during class or any device that is a disruption at any time.
  1. During Extracurricular Time — Students are permitted to use Personal Technology Resources or BYOT devices during extracurricular time for educational use only and with coach/sponsor permission.

  2. During School-related Free Time — Students are permitted to use Personal Technology Resources or BYOT devices during school-related free time, including, but not limited to, prior to homeroom, in hallways, cafeteria, study hall, and in all office areas. Students may obtain permission to use BYOT devices for appropriate personal use in such a manner as not to create disruption or annoyance to others or to create a safety hazard to the student(s).

7. How do I access to the District’s network?

BYOT devices will be able to connect to the District’s wireless network through user login authentication.

8. Will the District download software on my mobile device?

Mars Area School District will not download or install any software or user accounts on Personal Technology Resources or BYOT devices. Students and staff members are 100 percent responsible for accessing the District's wireless network, if they wish to participate in the program.

9. What happens if I lose my mobile device or it is damaged?

Students and staff members are solely responsible for any personnel equipment that is brought to school. The District is not liable for the loss, damage or misuse of any electronic device or Personal Technology Resource.

10. Are there restrictions on when a BYOT device can be used?

Students are strictly prohibited from using Personal Technology Resources or BYOT devices in restrooms, locker rooms, the School Nurse’s office and other areas of the building considered to be private or when directed by school personnel. All devices must be powered off and secured in a manner by which the device is neither seen nor heard in these areas of the building.

11. Is audio or video recording permitted?

Students must obtain permission from a teacher or administrator before recording, taking pictures, or publishing images, information, or works of individuals or groups. Recordings and pictures may be taken for teacher-approved projects only, and permission must be obtained for each instance.

12. What is not permitted?

Students shall be responsible at all times for complying with the Code of Student Conduct, District policy related to acceptable use of technology, and established Bring Your Own Technology guidelines. Violations of District policy by a student shall result in disciplinary action, in accordance with District Policy 218 Student Discipline, and may result in confiscation of the Personal Technology Resource or BYOT device.

Any technology device used to bully, threaten, or endanger the physical safety or emotional well being of others will be confiscated, held for disciplinary action, in accordance with District Policy 218 Student Discipline, and if necessary, provided to law enforcement authorities.

The taking, storing, disseminating, transferring, viewing, or sharing of obscene, pornographic, lewd, or otherwise illegal images and photographs, whether by electronic data transfer or other means, including but not limited to texting and emailing, is prohibited and constitutes a violation of District policy. Because such violations may also constitute a crime under State and/or Federal law, the District may report such conduct to State and/or Federal law enforcement agencies.

13. If a violation occurs, what are the consequences?

Violations of the District Policy 237 Electronic Devices & Personal Technology Resources and/or the District’s Bring Your Own Technology Student Guidelines will result in immediate suspension or removal from the District network and BYOT program. Violators will be subject to discipline in accordance with District Policy 815 Acceptable Use of Internet, Computer & Network Resources and/or District Policy 218 Student Discipline.

Day-to-day infractions will result in the following disciplinary measures:

Grades 7-12

  1. Detention
  2. In-School Suspension (ISS)
    Parents Notified
  3. Out-of-School Suspension
    Parents Notified
    Loss of BYOT Privileges
  4. Defiance of Authority
    Out-of-School Suspension
    Parents Notified

Grades K-6

  1. Warning
  2. Device Confiscated
    Parent Notified
  3. Device Confiscated
    Parent Notified to Pick Up Device 
    Parent Conference
  4. Loss of BYOT Privileges

14. Who do I contact for more information about the District's BYOT Program?

Specific questions regarding Mars Area School District’s Bring Your Own Technology (BYOT) Program including acceptable and unacceptable devices should be directed to the appropriate Building Principal.