Education for Homeless Youth
Federal guidelines, as outlined in the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, require that the local school identify children, who are experiencing homelessness. The federal mandate and the intention of the Mars Area School District is to ensure that homeless children and youth have access to free, appropriate public education on an equal basis with other children. Children experiencing homelessness, including those living with others in emergency situations, may qualify for assistance with transportation, school lunch, and/or tutoring so they can remain in their school of origin.
Homeless Student Guidelines
Federal guidelines require that local schools identify children who are homeless. The federal mandate, and the intention of the Mars Area School District is to ensure that homeless children and youth have access to free appropriate public education on an equal basis with other children. Children, who are homeless, including those living with others, may qualify for assistance with school lunch, with school supplies/materials, with tutoring, and with transportation so that they can remain in their school of origin.
Homeless children may be identified as living in the following situations:
- Public or private shelters;
- Public or private places not designated for/or ordinarily used as regular sleeping accommodations such as vehicles, parks, motels, campgrounds, etc.;
- Living with a parent in a domestic violence shelter;
- Individuals and/or families living with relatives or friends due to a lack of housing;
- Living in transitional housing programs;
- Runaway children (under age 18) and children who have been abandoned or forced out of the home by parents or other caretakers. Children may be in temporary shelters awaiting assistance from social service agencies, or may live alone on the street or move from place to place among family members, friends or acquaintances. This also includes such youth from 18 to 21 of age who may still be eligible for educational services in regular or special education;
- Children of migrant families who lack adequate housing;
- Children abandoned in hospitals or awaiting foster care; or
- School age, unwed mothers or expectant mothers living in houses for unwed mothers when they have no other available living accommodations.
If your living situation changes during the school year or over the summer, and you and your child(ren) become homeless, please be sure to contact the schools. We will work with you so that your child(ren)’s education is disrupted as little as possible.
If you believe your child may qualify for these services, please contact a guidance counselor or the principal at your child’s school building.
Specific questions, may be directed to Mr. Douglas Skelley, Mars Area School District Homeless Liaison, at (724) 625-1581 or [email protected].